På Ingolf Nielsensvej i Sønderborg har Midtjysk Albyg fået fornøjelsen af at opføre et nyt domicilbyggeri til Tantaline CVD ApS.
Domicilet skal indeholde lagerhal med omklædning og 1 ledhejseport, samt en kontordel som indeholder kontor/mødelokaler, fælles kontor, frokostrum og toiletfaciliteter.
Byggeriet bliver med et bebygget areal på i alt 1.240m2.
Vi takker for ordren, og glæder os til at komme i gang i Sønderborg.
Tantaline CVD ApS
Tantaline CVD is a world class leader in the deposition of tantalum surface layers used for corrosion resistance in harsh environments. The proprietary Tantaline® treatment process produces a uniform, robust and metallurgically bonded tantalum layer on stainless steel parts such as valves, fittings, thermowells and many others.
With superior corrosion performance and affordability compared to nickel alloys, titanium, and zirconium metals Tantaline® treated products are a favored choice of process engineers for extending component life and increasing safety in a wide range of industries such as chemical processing, mining, oil & gas energy, and pharmaceutical production.
Read more here.
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